Check out your bra under a tight tee or dress – are you happy with the lift and shape, or are things looking a little…droopy. If things are NOT smooth, shapely and heading upwards, it’s time to say good bye.

Maybe you have changed shape, and the bra is just not holding on where it should. Weight fluctuations can mean a bra is getting uncomfortable or not supporting you. This is another reason to call time on an old bra.

Regularly inspect your underwear for signs of wear and tear. Worn out straps and stretched fabrics signal the end your bra’s useful life. The back band, where your hands catch to clip up the bra will be the first place to get out of shape. Hold this part up to the light, and see if it is getting thin. If so…take action.

Be honest…does the fabric look a bit tired and faded? Is the bra greige…not beige. Is the lace unraveling…are there threads hanging…does it not even look like a bra shape…just some old piece of fabric??? Yes…it’s time!!
Head into Stephanie’s and get fitted by the experts.