Thanks to the opera lovers and songbirds who joined our Charles and Camilla get together and sing-a-long in store on 4 May. Our special guest, Soprano Janelle Berry wowed the room with her warm and beautiful arias, with delightful accompaniment by Gabriella Laws. We are dreaming up some more …
Go for the Music, stay for the magic and spells…in Adelaide
Adelaide is the only city to host a Gilbert and Sullivan festival outside the UK. That’s sort of understandable. One needs an exceptional grasp of English, and a healthy interest in (1850s) Britain to follow the Operetta plots precisely. Subtitles probably wouldn’t assist, as the screen would …
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Wardrobe short cuts
Underwear is like jeans, shoes and lipsticks…there isn’t ONE bra (or undies!) that will suit EVERY occasion. Think of all your different looks that might include: Being prepared will streamline your daily routine, and lift your wardrobe performance. Planning ahead to have the right underwear …
Weddings, parties, anything
Debs, formals, the races, nuptials, require that extra something in underwear. Strapless bras, shapewear and invisible underwear are here to help with special occasion dressing. Five style tips for social butterflies Great deportment- shoulders back, tummy in, chin up and good posture will …